
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

PHP Web Programming and Business Benefits of PHP Development

Inception of PHP is almost two decade old, when Danish programmer Rasmus Lerdorf created PHP in 1995. Inspired by that, in year 1997, two Israeli programmers Andi Gutmans and Zeev Suraski rewrote the parser, creating the base for PHP 3 and also built the Zend engine which is still followed as the interpreter for PHP.

Influence Of PHP Across Web

Today, almost two decades after countless colossal modifications to codebase, more than 35% of web traffic is handled by PHP. Facts on Wikipedia say 75% of websites use PHP, which includes some giant domains such as Facebook, Wikipedia, Yahoo, Photobucket and many others. Amazingly, list doesn’t end here; world’s best blogging platform “WordPress” and other popular CMSs like Drupal and Joomla are built in php.
Above mentioned facts are enough to claim the dominancy of PHP even in the presence of killer web development technologies. But, what are the reasons, why php hits the mainstream enterprise and why it is forecasted to maintain its momentum even in the coming years.
Success of php web programming totally bets on advantages which it offers to its users. Not only PHP developers find it convenient, but even end-users claim it to be friendly. Several studies have concluded some common advantages offered by php development, and they are as follow.

Free For All “Its Open Source”

Under GPL (General Public License) PHP is freely available for use, along with its associated software’s like MySQL, Text Editors and Apache Server to reduce your overall development cost. With the aim to serve you better, php community offers technical support and is constantly sweating hard to improve the core functionalities of PHP.

Cross-Platform Compatibility

It exhibits high compatibility with all the major OS and servers for easy deployment across vivid platforms. PHP scripts can run across OS like Linux, Windows, Solaris, OpenBSD, Mac OSX and others. It also provides support for all leading servers such as Apache, IIS, iPlanet and so on.

Powers Equally – Either Small or Big Websites

Either small or giant, whatever are your business needs a php based business website can be easily developed in not time and in limited budget. Business and organizational websites, informative forums, CRM solutions, e-commerce websites, community websites, e-business and gigantic database driven sites can be easily developed using php.

Extensions to Expand Functionalities

Plethora of extensions and libraries are available across the web using which you can extend core functionalities of your website. Even custom created extensions can be included into source code of PHP.

Top Security – For Hacker Proof Website

It offers top level security that helps prevent malicious attacks. These security stages can be easily attuned in the .ini file.

Veteran Developers to Execute Your Plans

You can hire PHP programmers/developers from reputed web development company more easily than any other language programmers. Just follow simple tips to hire veteran developers and stay away from worries.
In the end, if you are in the mood to add dynamic content to your project, then use of PHP is highly recommended. It free, easy to understand and integrates almost all the functionalities as per your needs. There are tons of php developers available on the net. Please don’t hesitate to add anything if I have missed some other great PHP benefits. Feel free to share your thoughts with other readers.


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