Cakephp Auth Component 2.0
Define Auth component to controller as follows
public $comonents=array(
'loginRedirect' =>array('controller'=>'users','action'=>'index'),
'authError'=>'Access Denied',
'loginError'=>'Invalid credentials, please try again.',
) ,
//check for authorization
public function isAuthorized($user)
return true;
Now in users controller define the login action
public function login()
$this->Session->setFlash('Authentication Failed')
public function logout()
create form in login view to provide interface to user for username and password and AuthComponent will automatically validate login.
Make sure fields in the database match cake's cretriea i.e "usename" for User Name and "password" for Password and "Users" table.
register new user
create a new add method in a controller create a view for the same and then in user model just before save hash the password as follows
To check for login status
To get current info of loggedin user
To Display auth error message
Define Auth component to controller as follows
public $comonents=array(
'loginRedirect' =>array('controller'=>'users','action'=>'index'),
'authError'=>'Access Denied',
'loginError'=>'Invalid credentials, please try again.',
) ,
//check for authorization
public function isAuthorized($user)
return true;
Now in users controller define the login action
public function login()
$this->Session->setFlash('Authentication Failed')
public function logout()
create form in login view to provide interface to user for username and password and AuthComponent will automatically validate login.
Make sure fields in the database match cake's cretriea i.e "usename" for User Name and "password" for Password and "Users" table.
register new user
create a new add method in a controller create a view for the same and then in user model just before save hash the password as follows
To check for login status
To get current info of loggedin user
To Display auth error message