
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Configure Eclipse for Android Dev/Tools not found Error

Just started up with my first development with Android here is the link to how to setup Android ADT Package in Eclipse...
Here is the link for complete guide.
And if you are still getting an error like tools not found in android sdk in Eclipse
Run Android SDK Manager from start menu 
On the top you will see SDK Path

copy that path(you won't be able to copy it practically.I meant just take a note of that path)

run eclipse 
it will show an error that tools not found in a given directory

click on window menu select preferences

select Android from the list on left hand side 
on the right hand side you will find "SDK Location". Copy that path next to that and Bingo issue resolved 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Storage Types in C Sharp

C Sharp has following types to Manage Data 1. Value 2. Reference 3. Pointer 4. Void Value types are used to store data.Two types are Struct and Enumeration Struct types include structures and built in simple types(int,float) Enumeration is a user type defined variables or we can say set of named constants Reference types are used to store references to data elsewhere in your c# program.Reference type keywords include Class,Interface,Delegate,Object,String Pointer types let you point to specific location in memory Use Void type in a method to specify that method does not returns a value...

Difference between Structure a class and its use.

The basic difference between a structure and a class is that a class is a reference type while a structure is not.All the information regarding different properties and functionality of an of an object are contained in the structure it self. Though Classes have an edge over structures as they belong to the Oops family structures are much handy in cases where there are limited range of values for a particular entity For example color of car and its model....etc...Structures are handy where we require less space comparatively Structures can include constructors but these must include parameters Structures cannot inherit another structure but they can implement interfaces.... Classes use Heap method for storage to which further space can be allocated easily while Structures use stacks as a storage medium so their storage is not expandable that is why where memory constraint is a factor structures and Unions are preferred over classes